DTEK, WHYY, CHIPS, VLR, 1LORD, WTG, SKG, JOIN, DIOR, SAINT, RUNE, POW, BET, Wars, DIG, SIX, OVER, GYAT, TPA, 1v9, GIRTH, SRSFB, Ken, NIC, IA, CROW, FIGHT, UA, SEVER, EMP, 1936, EQMS, RSUF, MOIN, Just Run, SHANTI, Loyal Guards, Industry, Legion of the Undead, Lunastra, Diablo Hellcats, The Caravaneers, VVolfpack, ENOUGH TO JUDGE LOW PLAYERS, Defiant, Beast, Prist, Band Of Brotherss, Kulub Sampe, SCBears, Dungeon Slayers, THE LAST STAND, Bandits, Rise Of Dahalo, D E C O Y, G O L D E N M O U N T A i N, GoblinCave, Kupechestvo, Fame Farm Fanboys
JOIN, TPA, DIOR, LC, WNB, SWAP, GIRTH, RUNE, VAN, SWAMP, SMACK, 1v9, CHIPS, GYAT, UTC, SAS, AO MMM, VVolfpack, ASGARDIA, Pratele Hranateho Stolu, Juicy, The Caravaneers, Diablo Hellcats, Industry, Simia, Golden_Dawn, Bohem, DELETED, SnF Academy, The Ark, Vikings, entraide entre joueurs, Z I E L A R Z E, SHANTI, The Broken Pirates, ENOUGH TO JUDGE LOW PLAYERS, SCBears, Legion of the Undead, Taxi Crew, Gallia Rebellis, FABRIKA, Terror, Nazarike
JOIN, ORCS, IRI, P0E, DTEK, RUNE, FFC, Phenix, CIUPAPI MUNIANIO, Black Bulls AR, Smugglers_Den, HI-HI-HA, The Caravaneers, Almost Mystik, KingDom of the Dead, Gatherers Tears