Nova, Sarsp, WNB, 1v1, VOG, LYTOE, XX, WhyMK, Dead inside team 16 9 2.4m
RT3, VOG, NIC, GIRTH, B4B, CryptoBot, Temptation 17 5 1.4m
VOG, RT3, ACADEMIA 11 4 2.4m
VOG, RT3, NIC, DJs, VALOR, Temptation, EFES MALT 10 3 231.8k
RT3, VOG, VALOR, FCK, DIOR, RAVEN, NIC, 4ERT, RUSH, P v P, Temptation, Yakuza, IMBULE4KA, ORIGAMI, PeaceDeath 20 9 3.5m
F4ME, VOG 11 6 1.5m
DTEK, VOG, Ebanfall 19 3 564.5k
NR1, UKF, VOG, EXC, VnR, BBM, Beast, Werchowna Zrada, The VEX, The Mystical Battalion, EBU LOXOV, staticstillalive, No Gang No Fail 45 72 1.9m
UKF, VOG, EXC, The VEX, Werchowna Zrada 13 8 172.2k
VOG, PUSH, M4BL, PTSD, Yakuza 12 5 491.1k
MMM, VOG, 1v11, GOLD CHEST, Mr chocolate 1, EBU LOXOV, staticstillalive 10 3 220.4k
ACOR, VOG, NIC, ZSZ, Dead inside team, HellFlame, SCBears, Deathless 10 3 563.7k
PUSH, M4BL, VOG, WhyMK, Yakuza 13 9 904.7k
CHILL, VOG 10 6 1.4m
SUN, EXC, ED, EVF, JoPKa, EBU LOXOV, Espadas, staticstillalive, DONT IMPOSSIBLE, Gachi Gatherers, Love and Wars, Kaonashi 20 9 379.1k
EXC, JoPKa, ED, EVF, The Last Ritual, Sirins Wings, DONT IMPOSSIBLE, Gachi Gatherers, Espadas 16 8 94.8k
BET, EVF, EBU LOXOV, Espadas, staticstillalive 20 3 181.4k
VLR, PZW, FREE, WNB, UAZ, E H O T, Espadas 11 4 1.2m
ED, EXC, EVF, END, GIRTH, K1NGS, sqsq, JoPKa, Espadas, staticstillalive, EBU LOXOV, Gachi Gatherers, The Last Ritual, ORIGAMI, Sirins Wings, The VEX, DONT IMPOSSIBLE, BALABAN BOZA, T O S W A 28 26 1.2m
LYTOE, SIX, RAVEN, Espadas, Kill or Die, WarRage 12 5 1.4m