| river, B2B2B, Guild_of-Artisans | 11 | 3 | 88.2k |
| ZEN, Prosperous Jews, AFewGoodMen, Guild_of-Artisans | 11 | 7 | 51.6k |
| ZEN, DIOR, EXILE, APE, 1v9, NOPLS, FEYZ, AFewGoodMen, Pure Crimson, Guild_of-Artisans, IRAN, Prosperous Jews | 31 | 19 | 276.3k |
| ZEN, DIOR, Prosperous Jews, AFewGoodMen, Scared Of Women, IRAN, Patrons of the Oases, Guild_of-Artisans, Wilcze Cienie | 24 | 12 | 243.7k |
| PCR, FIGHT, EDF, Jungle Valley, Guild_of-Artisans | 12 | 6 | 719.6k |
| HORDE, PGR, APH, PCR, UNGA, Treasure Hunt, THEDANES, Leveling Ego, Death Wish, BLACK-BOAR, AvaBirds, Perusak Lubang Pipis, Industry, OrdoXenos, SOULMATES, Vile Hogs, Brawlers Of Volsungs, Guild_of-Artisans | 35 | 5 | 504.0k |