| SNDR, PTS, ORCS, JOIN, XD, ASGARDIA, Celtic Gods, Chrome Hearts, SOLO Ebaka, SakuraGumi, Vindicate, Bloody golden eagle | 24 | 4 | 235.2k |
| DTEK, SWAMP, PTS, RUNE, GUCCI, BROC, ROPE, ORCS, RAVEN, Wars, OhNo, WIND, WTG, AURORA, Iron Bambols, Aspect Of Life, Back-in-Black, Celtic Gods, Beer Bears, InsanePro, SOLO Ebaka, The Knights of Darkness, ASGARDIA, PREDAT0RS, MALYUTKI, WHY NOT, ThuPeP | 64 | 37 | 1.3m |
| SIX, JOIN, BDAWG, WHYY, LSD, DIOR, MASS, Hell, SFD, DBS, WIND, DTEK, 18UTC, K1NGS, Diablo Hellcats, Skoggangr, AllianceOfScurletRoseAndCross, Star Linx, Azkavan, SOLO Ebaka, Dandelion blaze, Salem, TABOO, Clapped By Monkeys, CafeDronkBar, PACK, Resonance, IMPERIO ARPEN | 48 | 13 | 850.3k |