| HORUS, RAW, GIRTH, Skoggangr, FISHCULT, BIue Army, HSBSEB, ZWORLD, Dwarf Police | 22 | 3 | 188.6k |
| YUH, RAW, GIRTH, UFC, VCLAP, SLY, Wars, ANGEL, Skoggangr, BIue Army, HSBSEB, ZWORLD, Lethal Company | 33 | 8 | 651.1k |
| RAW, COCAO, SIX, SENT, EQMS, GIRTH, YUH, SWAP, UFC, UA, DT, Horda, DTEK, JUST, Rise, Nusum, SHOT, APE, SCBK, SMASH, ATK, Skoggangr, R 47, Waffle House, ZWORLD, BIue Army, HSBSEB, Dwarf Police, FunCat, cocorrico, Catara Patara, Polyanochka, Quincy Vollstndig, The VEX, Liberty, De Chill, Star Linx, SAZON SALBAJE, The Expendables, ArcherFrancais, Jendral imut, Angel Cartel, Barbapapa, The Monkeys of Avalon, Helld1vers, Vile Hogs, Goddard, Contact, Kupoland | 111 | 50 | 7.0m |
| RAW, GIRTH, UFC, Skoggangr, BIue Army, ZWORLD, HSBSEB, Dwarf Police, Shadow Army | 23 | 3 | 523.9k |
| EQMS, RAW, UFC, GIRTH, 1v9, SUCK, MEND, MAF1A, Skoggangr, Last Warning, BIue Army, HSBSEB, ZWORLD, Dwarf Police, Sigma Gankers, Treasure Hunt, Therealworld | 38 | 15 | 2.4m |